[BioNews] Free trial di tre mesi per i Current Trends

Gabriele Mazzitelli mazzitelli@biblio.uniroma2.it
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 13:16:45 +0100

Free trial di tre mesi per i Current Trends / Gabriele Mazzitelli. -
Roma, 99-12-17

--> bionet

Informo tutti gli interessati che e' stato attivato un free trial per la
nostra Biblioteca della durata di tre mesi per i Current Trends (Current
Opinion, Trends, Current Biology). Di seguito trovare le istruzioni per
Gabriele Mazzitelli

>Thank you for registering for the Current Trends online trial.  Below
>will find information about how to activate your institution's online
>access.  Should you have any difficulties activating your access please

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>Your subscription key(s) for Current Opinion and Current Biology titles

>Subscription key for print subscribed titles - SUB33421
>Subscription key for non-subscribed titles - TRIAL33421
>(Including Macromolecular Structures Database and Mouse Knockout
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>Best wishes,
>Jo Clarke
>Jo Clarke
>Customer Services
>BioMedNet       - http://www.biomednet.com
>Current Trends  - http://www.trends.com
>Current Opinion - http://www.current-opinion.com
>Current Biology - http://www.current-biology.com
>Neuroscion      - http://neuroscion.com
>LS Reviews      - http://lsreviews.com
>Email           - jo.clarke@biomednet.com
>Tel             - +44 (0)20 7611 4202
>Fax             - +44 (0)20 7611 4483
>***** Please note our new contact details *****

Gabriele Mazzitelli <mailto:mazzitelli@biblio.uniroma2.it>
Biblioteca Area Biomedica - Universita' di Roma 'Tor Vergata'
Via della Ricerca Scientifica, snc - 00133 Roma
tel: 06/72594259 - fax: 06/72594256
Biomedica Web: http://www.uniroma2.it/biblio/biomedica
Homepage: http://www.uniroma2.it/~mazzitel