[BioNews] Rainforest Site Petition

donatella cesaroni donatella.cesaroni@uniroma2.it
Fri, 30 Jun 2000 12:31:11 +0200

Sign The Rainforest Site Petition, which will be delivered to the
Nations Commission on Sustainable Development this Fall 2000. The
urges the UN to enforce the international community's political and
commitments to protect the rainforests. All you have to do is click on
link below to sign up - and don't forget to pass this e-mail along to
all of
your friends: http://www.therainforestsite.com/rbt/TRSPetition/r061322

donatella cesaroni
dipartimento di biologia
università di roma tor vergata
fax +39-0672595965
Email: donatella.cesaroni@uniroma2.it