[BioNews] Fwd: BioPlatform E-Conference

Valerio Sbordoni valerio.sbordoni@uniroma2.it
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 10:39:50 +0200

>X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise Internet Agent 6.0.2
>Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 16:08:46 +0100
>From: "Juliette Young" <jyo@ceh.ac.uk>
>Cc: <valerio.sbordoni@uniroma2.it>
>Subject: BioPlatform E-Conference
>X-MailScanner-NERC: Found to be clean
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>Please distribute widely - Apologies for cross-posting
>Electronic Conference on:
>Genetic biodiversity in agricultural and natural systems: measurement,
>understanding and management
>Dear colleagues,
>The BioPlatform Thematic Network (www.bioplatform.info) and the
>organisers of the Italian meeting of the European Platform for
>Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) invite you to participate in the
>electronic conference 'Genetic biodiversity in agricultural and natural
>systems: measurement, understanding and management' which will run from
>6th- 31st October 2003. The results of the Electronic Conference will be
>presented at the EPBRS delegates meeting in Florence, Italy on 20th-24th
>November 2003.
>The questions that we will consider in this electronic conference are:
>1. Measuring, managing and conserving the genetic diversity of
>populations and species in natural systems- chaired by Valerio Sbordoni
>(Universita degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata").
>2. Measuring, managing and conserving local genetic diversity in
>agro-ecosystems- chaired by Concetta Vazzana (University of Florence)
>and Valeria Negri (University of Perugia).
>3. Understanding and measuring the impact of economic and social
>factors on biodiversity- chaired by Marcello Broggio (Istituto
>Agronomico per l'Oltremare) and Riccardo Bocci (Istituto Agronomico per
>You are kindly invited to subscribe to the electronic conference by
>filling the subscription form available at:
>http://www.nbu.ac.uk/biota/e-conference.htm. In case of any
>difficulty subscribing, please e-mail Juliette Young j.young@ceh.ac.uk.
>Note that there is no need to subscribe if you subscribed to the last
>BioPlatform e-conference; you will automatically have access to this
>The MARBENA thematic network will be running a parallel e-conference
>focusing on marine aspects of the issues identified above.  This
>e-conference will be announced shortly.
>We would appreciate your kind help in forwarding this announcement to
>anyone who might be interested.
>Kind regards,
>Marcello Buiatti, University of Florence (mbuiatti@DBAG.UNIFI.IT) and
>Frederica Pannacciulli, ENEA (pannacciulli@estosf.santateresa.enea.it),
>E-conference chairpersons
>Isabel Sousa Pinto BioPlatform Thematic Network (www.bioplatform.info)
>Martin Sharman, European Commission
>Juliette Young (j.young@ceh.ac.uk), Malcolm Collie (mamc@ceh.ac.uk) and
>Allan Watt (a.watt@ceh.ac.uk) E-conference management, Centre for
>Ecology and Hydrology, Banchory, UK

Valerio Sbordoni
Professor of Zoology and Evolution
Department of Biology
Tor Vergata University
00133 Roma, Italy
telephone:  ++39 6 7259 5951/ 8; ++39 6 20 42 76 53
Fax: ++39 6 20 26 189; ++39 6 7259 5965