[BioNews] [MICROARRAY COURSE] Computational and Statistical Aspects of Microarray Analysis (III)

stefano iacus stefano.iacus@unimi.it
Fri, 3 Dec 2004 09:34:49 +0100

Computational and Statistical Aspects of Microarray Analysis (III)
June 19-25 2005, Bressanone-Brixen, Italy

This 5 days lecture series provides an introduction to genomic data and 
their interpretation.
The main focus will be on microarray experiments, covering statistical 
topics such as preprocessing, normalization, quality assessment, gene 
identification, machine learning and inference for graphs and networks.
Applications of these methods to proteomics and other high throughput 
technologies will also be covered.
Computer laboratory material will be available for self-study.

Participants should have some minimal background on biological, 
statistical and computational aspects of microarrays, or other 
high-throughput data.

Participants interested in hands-on, interactive activities should 
consider signing up for the lecture and laboratory series (space is 
very limited). These require a basic knowledge of the R or S language. 
An introductory R course will be given.

The maximum number of participants is 100 for the morning lectures and 
30 for the laboratory sessions.

Lecturers of the course:
Robert Gentleman, Head of Program in Computational Biology, Division of 
Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle 
(WA), USA.

Wolfgang Huber, European Bioinformatics Institute, European Molecular 
Biology Laboratory, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, England 

Rafael A. Irizarry, Department of Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins 
University, School of Public Health, Baltimore (MD), USA.

The course is organized by S.M.Iacus and F.Grigoletto at the 
Universities of Milan and Padua, Italy in collaboration with the 
Biocondutor project and the R Foundation for Statistical Computing.

For further  information, registration and topics please refer to the 
course web page "http://www.economia.unimi.it/marray" or contact 

[apologizes for cross posting]